These moms are heroes of mine!
Beautiful young women part of Moms With Swords, a ministry that exists to awaken a mother's God given authority, therefore igniting generations to be faithful followers of Christ.
Yes, God is showing Moms their unique influence more clearly and calling moms in this generation to follow Him more fully.
And their surrendered, set apart lives will bleed over into the next generation and beyond.
Mom, the years your children are with you at home are nothing short of holy. Sacred time that lasts for a season. Set apart years God has designed to mold and shape the next generation of Kingdom advancers. Do not secretly despise it and do not lose your focus or squander it.
We are to be the head , not the tail. Moving forward. At the front, leading the way to seeing God’s glory filling the whole earth and taking our children with us. God has been choosing women to intentionally lead their children in the Truth and in the Word for a long time.
Hannah leading Samuel. Naomi leading Ruth. Ruth leading Obed. Jochebed leading Moses. Elizabeth leading John.
There is a cost to lead in any arena. And in the mothering field, even more so.
Mothering costs moms comfort, reputation, time and tears. Laying down our fears, agendas and pride.
But the payoff is high. “Give her the reward she has earned.” (Prov 31:31) Kingdom minded moms are rewarded as we grow ourselves and as we witness the growth of our children.
One of the top ways I have grown as a mother is in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. And I’ve come to realize that He is the prize…not my child’s behavior, choices, or walk with Him.
Run in such a way as to win, mom. Because you will win by leading yourself as a whole hearted follower of Jesus and therefore, your children have a much better chance at winning, too.
Why have so many moms dropped the baton?
Some are just plain weary of the enemy’s schemes and have no one to help them up. Some are unaware that they even have a baton and ignorantly live undisciplined. Some have not let the Word go deep in their own hearts, or have allowed the thorns and thistles of cares, worries or riches to choke it out. And our children and the Kingdom suffer because of it.
Is your ear tuned to the voice of the Spirit or to your iphone?
Are you guarding that secret place with Jesus where you get filled up with Him or do you let lesser things consume your schedule?
Are you allowing margin in your days to enjoy and love on your children or are you being robbed by the tyranny of the urgent?
If you are your own, you will run the show in your home. But if you are the Lord’s, He will be in control and will teach you how to live a powerful, Spirit infused life.
“Many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matt 22:14)
God calls every mom to partner with Him but will you say yes? Do not let laziness, apathy and pride keep you from what you know is right. Lead your children by humbly submitting to God. They are begging you to. He is calling you out of the middle of the road, into the narrow path, which leads you and your children to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Maybe you are like me and said yes to this call while in college, years before I even became a mommy. He did a lot of foundational work in my heart and soul during those pre-mom days.
And He required even more after I had children. Why? Because He wanted my kids to catch His spirit in me and to do that, “me” had to move out of the way more and more.
Or maybe God is urging you to say yes fully to Him now as a young mom. Maybe you see what a high call this mothering this is. Maybe you are becoming more and more aware of the role you have in the building of His Kingdom right in the middle of your kitchen.
Is there a guarantee that our children will follow us and say yes to this calling? Certainly not. But at least they will get a fighting chance before they leave our nest. Because His word which you have partnered in planting in them is powerful and “will accomplish what it is set forth to do.” (Isa 55:11)
Will you give yourself fully to see the glory of God fill the earth, starting in your home?
It’s what moms for Jesus do!
(Photo courtesy of Moms with Swords, 2015)